Bulk Container Loading/Unloading Facility

This system unloads and stores a bulk container from a conveyor vehicle or ship. There is also a system to load materials onto the vehicle or ship.

  • As a facility to unload the bulk container from the conveyor vehicle/ship
  • As a storage silo, blending silo, or dust collection facility
  • As a loading facility to load a material onto the bulk container conveyor vehicle/ship
  • As a flexible container bag packing, bagging, and shipping facility

* DCE has actual results of providing the facilities to load/unload PS, PP, PE, polycarbonate, super absorbent polymers (SAP), and optical plastic.
* DCE has actual results of providing the facilities to load/unload cement, fly ash, and pulverized coal.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need advice.

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We also accept inquiries or requests for constructions by phone or fax.
TEL:+81-436-21-5173 FAX:+81-436-21-7239

Powder and Granular Material Handling System

Main Products for Pneumatic Conveyance

High-pressure pneumatic conveying system

Medium-pressure pneumatic conveying system

Combination of coveyance and measurement / mixture

Products for Blending

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