All-round system for weighting, blending, and conveying


  • Since this system has a small footprint, installation costs can be reduced.
  • This system does not have rotating parts and can be operated with a minimal amount of maintenance.
  • This system can weigh and blend accurately and all functions are excellent.
  • This system can blend powder and granular materials with different specific gravities (for example, 1.0:2.7). The automatic operation mode saves labor.

Application Specification

For conveying sugar, artificial sweeteners, coffee, medical and pharmaceutical products, soap powder, paint, pigments, calcium carbonate powder, raw materials of glass, cement and cement admixture, unslaked lime, mill scale, feed, magnetic materials, fine ceramics, etc.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need advice.

Contact Form

We also accept inquiries or requests for constructions by phone or fax.
TEL:+81-436-21-5173 FAX:+81-436-21-7239

Powder and Granular Material Handling System

Main Products for Pneumatic Conveyance

High-pressure pneumatic conveying system

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Combination of coveyance and measurement / mixture

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